MeRRy ChRisMas^^
wakaka~~i m reli quite long time dint updated any news at here~becos of wat??of cos is those assgmt n presentation reli make my life bc getting busier like hell...wuwu..anywy~i juz suddenly feel like wanna spend some time to tok n share abt smtg in tis important festival at here..ya~~it's Chrismas^^
Btw...Tis year i choose to celebrate tis festival in my hometown~2 years dint join the carolling at yp ler..tis year quite memorable to me cos it is raining while we r on the half way f4 carolling..We r rushing go inside to each of the cars after we fin sing the chrismas song (house by house)..We have some fun in front of the toilet..my fren holding the guitar n i m the one who in charge to sing a song by changing the lyris according to the person who went to toilet..We r playing a lot.chat a lot...i m quite happy to make them laugh n also to mix wif them as well bcos those of them is younger than me...i feel like i m juz same age wif u all while i mix wif u all ~~hahahha~~
The second day f4 carolling reli make my mood nt so gud when i knoe tat i got go to somebody house..i dunt knoe how to face them.i miss them a lot but...juz feel like i m nt qualify to meet wif them anymore...the second house f4 the carolling.pass ady~~i juz try to b normal..try to smile..n also share wif auntie abt my life.. i give her a hug..i take photo wif her..thx f4 alwayz treat me so gud n invite me go to find u..My heart will alwayz b wif u auntie^^<3~~hug hug~~
*tis morning,i m quite happy to c u n uncle went to church actually..i plan tat wanna go to chat wif u all..but i feel tat it is nt a suitable time n place..somemore at restaurant..even though we r juz very near wif each other(the table)~but i knoe tat there is a very farrrr de distance btw each other..i m nt dare to say hi wif u all but my eyes keep look at u all..(i knoe tat n i can feel tat u all got noticed me)..i tok wif my parents abt u all..i was get shocked while ur eyes look at my dad n me..i juz pretend smile to u~haizz.i HATE tat feeling!!!
*i knoe the readers who read tis blog might dunt understand wat i m trying to say...but juz let me share wadeva things at here ba~~ARHHHHHH!!!
Anyway~~I will live wif joyful in my life~I enjoy my Single life~I m quite happy to knoe u all^^thx God~~
In Conclusion~~MeRRY Chrismas to everybody(tis year de raining make me gt a bit sienzz to celebrate it esp 24th december..juz sitting at the cafe but quite boring becos dunt hv ppl count down at tat cafe..dunt hv the chrismas mood~~anyway~~Gonna say gud bye to 2011 soon~~Shud I say welcome to 2012??even though i m getting older??hahahha~~~Next year i m going f4 internship at yp here..isit gud news or bad news f4 myself?? May God Bless me^^
owh~转逊间~~我三个星期的读书周加考试周已过去~~两星期的假期也即将飞逝~剩下两天了~~haizzz~即将来到的是大学二年级的第二个学期~~好快啊~~第一个学期就那样的过了~~咬紧牙根的度过每一个艰难的日子~~真的不知第二个学期会有多艰辛呢?上星期看见许多朋友及senior的convo照片~~幻想着自己在2013年毕业典礼的到来~~心情挫中复杂~~殊不知是要快点到达那一天呢~还是慢一点~~因为毕业了就等于要跟认识几年的朋友say gud bye了~要开始接触社会上形形色色的人~~可是~~却像快点毕业赚了钱把ptptn快点还清~~到各地去旅行~~先是从马来西亚开始~~Pulau Redang啦~Sabah之类的~~后是台湾~UK~等~~
这两个星期~~过的还算Okay~每一次回到家的daily routine都是一样~扫地~抹地~洗车~当司机载弟妹去这去那~煮菜~驾摩托走走~去BP~追戏~特别的是有去甲洞参加亲戚的weeding dinner~第一次包车喝酒席到半夜才回家~~到家了还要卸妆之类的~~几乎到了三点才睡觉~~虽然累~不过还算是不错的体验~哈哈~(那一晚,Ah joy 觉得自己好没用~被某人骂了~“你看你什么都不会~煮菜也不行,化妆也不行,你还是好好去读你的书吧”~听了那句话~~眼泪真的很想彪下来~但是还是忍着了~~讲真我除了好好拿张大学文凭以外~我什么都不在行~煮菜达不到妈的水准~对头发及美容的行业没兴趣~~属于比较男性化的我~完全不吻合小女生或大小姐的架势~我只会什么呢?读书(成绩不好)!玩点乐器(都是半桶水)!唱歌(只会唱圣歌在行)才华(只拿过演讲比赛,唱歌比赛,模范生,运动奖项,可那些都只是往事)试问我到底在哪方面是专长呢?哪一样才是我现在最pro的呢?haizzz...无奈啊~~emo了好几天~~
上星期~一回到家~隔天去了教会~~我突然很讨厌去团契~~突然很不喜欢看到一些无视我的人~平时的我去到团契会有说有笑~我那天话不多说~也不想多说话~~只因为怕对神愧疚所以才去团契~那天跟了两位bro出去喝茶~跟我说了些话~~突然之间~内心恍然了~突然间~~觉得自己可以无视的去对待那些人~因为我去得目的不是因为人~而是因为神~我尝试再一次的调整了自己的心态~~那一天我带着喜乐的心情去了团契~感觉还算okay~nt bad~~希望能继续保持咯~~Ah Joy~你不能那么没用咯~别人可以做到无视你~专心的去服侍神~~你也可以咯!<噩梦~请不要再来折腾我了阿>!!!
这两个星期~~过的还算Okay~每一次回到家的daily routine都是一样~扫地~抹地~洗车~当司机载弟妹去这去那~煮菜~驾摩托走走~去BP~追戏~特别的是有去甲洞参加亲戚的weeding dinner~第一次包车喝酒席到半夜才回家~~到家了还要卸妆之类的~~几乎到了三点才睡觉~~虽然累~不过还算是不错的体验~哈哈~(那一晚,Ah joy 觉得自己好没用~被某人骂了~“你看你什么都不会~煮菜也不行,化妆也不行,你还是好好去读你的书吧”~听了那句话~~眼泪真的很想彪下来~但是还是忍着了~~讲真我除了好好拿张大学文凭以外~我什么都不在行~煮菜达不到妈的水准~对头发及美容的行业没兴趣~~属于比较男性化的我~完全不吻合小女生或大小姐的架势~我只会什么呢?读书(成绩不好)!玩点乐器(都是半桶水)!唱歌(只会唱圣歌在行)才华(只拿过演讲比赛,唱歌比赛,模范生,运动奖项,可那些都只是往事)试问我到底在哪方面是专长呢?哪一样才是我现在最pro的呢?haizzz...无奈啊~~emo了好几天~~
上星期~一回到家~隔天去了教会~~我突然很讨厌去团契~~突然很不喜欢看到一些无视我的人~平时的我去到团契会有说有笑~我那天话不多说~也不想多说话~~只因为怕对神愧疚所以才去团契~那天跟了两位bro出去喝茶~跟我说了些话~~突然之间~内心恍然了~突然间~~觉得自己可以无视的去对待那些人~因为我去得目的不是因为人~而是因为神~我尝试再一次的调整了自己的心态~~那一天我带着喜乐的心情去了团契~感觉还算okay~nt bad~~希望能继续保持咯~~Ah Joy~你不能那么没用咯~别人可以做到无视你~专心的去服侍神~~你也可以咯!<噩梦~请不要再来折腾我了阿>!!!

时间怎么每一次都那么的残忍~~总是把美好的时光挪去得特别快~而伤心的事情却让人难以抹去~~转眼间~这一星期的假期就那样的飞到九霄云外了~最近这几个月总是喜欢make gathering~~找很多久违没见的大学朋友~弟兄姐妹~~中学同学出来喝喝茶~叙叙旧~~喜欢那种感觉~~哈哈~~不过等大考后就应该不会当Planner~~因大伙都结束了假期生活回到各自的大学就读去了~~
在假期里~~我驾着车载了我两位好友去bp shopping咯~~认识她们从小学到现在~第一次跟她们一起去到离开永平的地方玩~哈哈~~从下午三点到晚上九点那样才回家~~我们真的是很会走咯~~不过还真的是挺疲惫不堪~~此外,也跟了弟兄姐妹出来喝喝茶~~骑着电单车一起走走~~聊天~~凉风打在脸上~~是我最喜欢的感觉~~另外,也jioh了不同中学的同学喝茶~~虽然还是无法全部都出席~不过还是很开心~~大家都聊得有声有色~~傍晚时分~也带着弟妹去到公园玩~~踏脚车~前晚在小学也有中秋园游会~~回到了小学母校~~拍了不少照片~突然觉得自己已老大不小了~~怀念小学做巡察员~拿过许多运动,演讲,唱歌比赛,模范生的奖项~~~昨天的gathering~~跟的朋友有四年没见的~~有一年多没见一起喝茶咯~~大家一起聊聊以前中学同学~看起来大家好多都想向往新加坡发展去了~~做工的做工~~读书的读书~~不过大多都毕业了~haizzz..突然间感叹自己怎么还没毕业咯~不过想到要踏入现实的社会中工作~~就有点觉得庆幸~~哈哈~不过~~还是希望自己快点做工赚钱~~找个伴共度一生~新加坡~wait f4 me!!!^^
Btw~~这星期开始就要开始准备穿上军装~好好打拼一番了~~希望不会累垮了~~加油吧~~JOy Wong~~^^Life wif ease,Joy wif me^^
wakaka~finally feel like relax a bit becos most of the assgmt almost submit ady~juz left one assgmt n 2 presentation to go~recently feel like my mood is nt tat stable..sometime will feel emo~~haizz..anyway~tat day 18th August i m so happy becos i had shouted a lot when i c Willber even though i m nt his fans~During tat week..i m desire wanna shouted n claimed ady~~i like the feeling of shouted..it can help me release my stress..anway~~Will Pan r so handsome xia^^
Few days ago,first time bc part time promoter at Mydin~i m kinda satisfied wif my sales during tat two days..almost help the company earn RM3000 in two days..even though it is very tired n my leg got 水泡ady~~but it is worth~~!!!^^nice experience f4 me~~i get some frdz by doing tis job~n i suddenly kinda satisfied wif my major at i take at MMU here~~i hope tat all of the customer tat i serve r very satisfied wif my performance n service~~yeah^^(i wanna share tis things wif u at tat time..but i control myself..stop to alwayz share wif u wadave things which happened in my life)
Today, she felt happy becos she realise tat he got click like n concern abt her wall post..she gt few days dint find him n chat wif him ady~she felt lonely esp midnite or b4 she fall to sleep..she felt like nt feeling well n get insomnia..she scared tat he will avoid her or 厌烦her~~she dunt knoe how to face him or tok to him as normal when she c him at exam hall there..she was regret tat she dint say hi to him once she wanna left frm exam hall~she hate tat feeling of strange..she was nervous again when she c him..anyway~~i hope tat she dunt too concern abt his things anymore~but~can she DO TAT!!!can she stop to care on tat person??God will knoe it^^lets take it easy n b joyful in ur life ba^^
Btw~~ytd i get some time to watch a drama which name <极速复仇>~long time dunt hv tat feeling of watching drama~~i m kinda enjoy the drama sambil eat my burgeR~~the relax feeling is awesome~~i like it^^anyway~~i feel like tis drama hv some deep feeling to me.."If u dunt forgive the ppl who hurt u b4..It will like a chain around ur neck tat lead u to a place tat u dunt wanna go~It'll lead u into darkness n desolution~u will become a slave to tat hatred and u will never truthly b free unless u freely forgive them~JOY~~u muz BREAK FREE~♥♥♥"~~in tis drama~~the main character help his brother n himself revenge to those who kill his brother n him b4..when he wanna kill the last person..no wonder he try to forgive wat he make b4..he bc pastor rite now...he knee at the floor n tell him...Plz forgive wat i done b4 becos i m innocent, i juz force by my boss..I will forgive wat u wanna done later(kill him)~~when the main character listen on tat words..he was get shocked n he started to 心软~~finally~~he decided dunt kill him~it is a touch drama^^
最近~~她酝酿了几年的心情~突然间就像导火线那样在今天很想全部一次过引爆出来~最近课业的压力及打击~让她快喘不过气了~再加上这件事早已根深蒂固的在她内心深处的残绕她很久了~全部加上来足以让她窒息~她觉得她不能再不啃声~她觉得有必要让那些人知道这些日子来~其实她过得很辛苦~因为她做不到原谅的功课~你们可以视若无睹她~可以当作没一回事~可是她办不到~她每一次想到这件事的片刻时她就觉得很亏欠神~因她不能树立一个很好的基督徒榜样~因为她无法学习爱人如己~当爱你的仇敌~这些日子以来~她以为我学习到了~她以为她已经放下了~可是试问有谁人知道她的笑容背后隐藏着及许多的难过?~几许多的无奈呢?几许多对他家人的思念?是的~她是个失败者~那天在面子书玩了关于对生日的心理测验~她的缺点就是用情太深~太过专一占有欲强~个人觉得真的好像说中了~~就是因为这样~所以引致她需要一年多的时间才可以让自己好转过来~她抗拒了许多人~好几个朋友要她的号码~她都不给~无形中也伤害了他们~她~在这些日子里学习到了比一般人来的坚强~独立~~可是~坚强的背后~~试问多少人知道她是脆弱的~~别人面对类似问题都可以在短时间内平复起来~找个伴来忘记了过去~可是~对她来说~谈何容易?她真的恳切的希望~~希望她有一天能够将最熟悉的陌生人转换成最熟悉的朋友~她最重视朋友了~她喜欢带给朋友们欢乐~在她人生当中~她从来没有一位朋友是讨厌的~是视若无睹的对待她的~试问你们继续下去视若无睹她~你们会幸福吗?你们的心可以坐立得安吗?你们在神面前真的可以坦然?可以吗?请教教她怎么做到吧~~她的归属感很早就被吞噬了~她其实有时候是抗拒去教会的(有时候)~也许~这就是到目前为止暂时在她人生当中神给的磨练吧~如何跨出这个栏杆呢?她深信有一天一定会做到的~可是~现在就让她好好在这边喧嚣她酝酿多年的情绪吧~~加油~~JOY~~u can do it^^
无可否认~她的朋友大家都in a relationship了~而她~~还是那汪洋中的一条独自的船~继续独自往前行驶~打从心里地说~她~~对一位朋友有种心跳加速之感~每次看见那人她就很想躲避之感~她是怎么了吗?她应该知道论很多方面~年龄~距离~宗教~都有所偏差的阿~可是为何她为何不要收起那关心那人的心呢?感觉上~她好像不顾一切的陷入进去对那人的好感~她~~在想什么?真的很想知道阿~~好啦~畅快的在这里抒发了她内心的情绪~现在内心深处舒服且踏实多了~~就此搁笔~~^^~_~
无可否认~她的朋友大家都in a relationship了~而她~~还是那汪洋中的一条独自的船~继续独自往前行驶~打从心里地说~她~~对一位朋友有种心跳加速之感~每次看见那人她就很想躲避之感~她是怎么了吗?她应该知道论很多方面~年龄~距离~宗教~都有所偏差的阿~可是为何她为何不要收起那关心那人的心呢?感觉上~她好像不顾一切的陷入进去对那人的好感~她~~在想什么?真的很想知道阿~~好啦~畅快的在这里抒发了她内心的情绪~现在内心深处舒服且踏实多了~~就此搁笔~~^^~_~
NO fb,NO phone...
yahoo~~tis two days gonna relax gao gao~haha~~ytd is reli an awesome day f4 me~haha~~NO fb nand phone interrupt.(actually my phone alwayz one..dunt hv ppl find me)~haha~but Joseph is super busy ytd..haha..LOLX..but he got off his phone f4 a while..yaya~who is Joseph?haha~we knoe each other in the same church n he is my junior f4 marketing management,strongly declared tat he is younger than me f4 few years old ..juz hope tat somebody wont mind it..cos we r juz brother n sister in Jesus Christ..but i knoe u wont mind de..cos u dunt care abt me..>.<..but i m reli care it when u sitting wif some other gal..T.T~~btw..next time will ask him teach me play bad romance n some other song..haha^^
Ermn...Joseph is reli like a "女人"ladies..we met at 5.30pm but he came at 6.00pm~oh no..reli look like ladies ler..but me look like 男人~haha~~He juz brought smtg inside his bag but we havent reach the top hill there..he felt like very xin ku ady..haha..as "男人"~i help him to carry his bag until we reach the place which hv a nice scene one..dunt knoe how to describe it..isit the middle of the hill??haha..i dunt knoe..i m reli missed the opportunity when i went there f4 first time..cos my x-housemates said tat it is very dangerous to climb..so we dint went there..It is wrong!!ntg dangerous there i think..the 倾斜度is okay f4 me..n it is better than the Kluand 南巴山~~haha~~
We took a lot of photo at there..looking at the sunset n the environment around..Thx Lord tat create tis world.it is wonderful~~n beautiful~~He gt on his speaker..i gt on my "voice"~n try to sing wadeva song tat come out wif my brain..juz dunt care abt other ppl(2 ppl bring DSRL to took photo..but i dunt care abt it..i juz 尽情地唱~~haha~~praise the Lord..shouted a lot like crazy(when it is no ppl at there)..yahoo~~~the feeling is nice..i like it so much..throw away all the exam n assgmt.juz relax n enjoy my life~wakaka~~^^
When we decided left frm hill..he on a song which is very relax n holy one..haha..reli no nid to scare abt "smtg"~haha~~cos we got angel protect us by ourside..haha..we went to MMU corner there to hv our dinner...watch the Taiwan programme at there..it is fun n happy~~felt like long time dint watch TV ady~~haha^^
After fin watching it,he told me he wanna swimming when he bk to his hostel..wow..Swimming..i like to play water n swimming so much~~~finally..i decided to go wif him(he said the staff juz change the water)..haha..but i juz hv one hour more can stay at izora cos at time i reach izora is 9.00pm ady~haha~~one of his frdz also join us at there..we hv some fun at there..(next time i will try to improve my swimming skills de cos my speed is reli too slow..Karen juz teach me how to swim at UG last last sem..so long time dint swimming ady..haha)..i like to look at the sky n star n lying at the swimming pool there..i like to think a lot..think abt some past things at the swimming pool there...however,he juz went to a corner n listen some english song..haha..
I walked to my hostel alone n when i gonna reach my hostel..there r a big gang of Indian guys stay at there..oh no..damn make me scared der..i juz dunt care abt them n try to walk fast fast even though they gt make some "mice" voice~~After took my bathe..i planned to leaning point n upload the photo..No wonder Joseph also wanna went tgt n saw those photo tat we took...so we juz went there tgt..but he left earlier cos he wanna accp his frdz to hv dinner..^^LOLX~~
I love my life so much without stress,assmgt,exam...suddenly felt like a bit regret cos i will grad 1 sem early than my frdz..i will take the subject tat i m gonna take at delta year third sem..now i juz left one more subject at tat sem..shud i take it earlier at next sem??or juz take one subject at my delta year third sem??oh no...is kinda confusing...suddenly felt like Uni life will flying so fast..>.<~i had to work SOON..isit a gud news f4 me?i wish to grad fast fast b4 becos my age is a reason f4 me..almost all of my uni frdz will grad by next year..except mechanical engineer de..chemical bio de..but now..i dunt wish i grad so far..haha..
Anyway..anyhow~~I like the words.."Life wif ease, JOy wif me"~~no matter the things is kinda difficult..no matter the road is 崎岖不平~Joy你都要加油哦~^^
Ermn...Joseph is reli like a "女人"ladies..we met at 5.30pm but he came at 6.00pm~oh no..reli look like ladies ler..but me look like 男人~haha~~He juz brought smtg inside his bag but we havent reach the top hill there..he felt like very xin ku ady..haha..as "男人"~i help him to carry his bag until we reach the place which hv a nice scene one..dunt knoe how to describe it..isit the middle of the hill??haha..i dunt knoe..i m reli missed the opportunity when i went there f4 first time..cos my x-housemates said tat it is very dangerous to climb..so we dint went there..It is wrong!!ntg dangerous there i think..the 倾斜度is okay f4 me..n it is better than the Kluand 南巴山~~haha~~
We took a lot of photo at there..looking at the sunset n the environment around..Thx Lord tat create tis world.it is wonderful~~n beautiful~~He gt on his speaker..i gt on my "voice"~n try to sing wadeva song tat come out wif my brain..juz dunt care abt other ppl(2 ppl bring DSRL to took photo..but i dunt care abt it..i juz 尽情地唱~~haha~~praise the Lord..shouted a lot like crazy(when it is no ppl at there)..yahoo~~~the feeling is nice..i like it so much..throw away all the exam n assgmt.juz relax n enjoy my life~wakaka~~^^
When we decided left frm hill..he on a song which is very relax n holy one..haha..reli no nid to scare abt "smtg"~haha~~cos we got angel protect us by ourside..haha..we went to MMU corner there to hv our dinner...watch the Taiwan programme at there..it is fun n happy~~felt like long time dint watch TV ady~~haha^^
After fin watching it,he told me he wanna swimming when he bk to his hostel..wow..Swimming..i like to play water n swimming so much~~~finally..i decided to go wif him(he said the staff juz change the water)..haha..but i juz hv one hour more can stay at izora cos at time i reach izora is 9.00pm ady~haha~~one of his frdz also join us at there..we hv some fun at there..(next time i will try to improve my swimming skills de cos my speed is reli too slow..Karen juz teach me how to swim at UG last last sem..so long time dint swimming ady..haha)..i like to look at the sky n star n lying at the swimming pool there..i like to think a lot..think abt some past things at the swimming pool there...however,he juz went to a corner n listen some english song..haha..
I walked to my hostel alone n when i gonna reach my hostel..there r a big gang of Indian guys stay at there..oh no..damn make me scared der..i juz dunt care abt them n try to walk fast fast even though they gt make some "mice" voice~~After took my bathe..i planned to leaning point n upload the photo..No wonder Joseph also wanna went tgt n saw those photo tat we took...so we juz went there tgt..but he left earlier cos he wanna accp his frdz to hv dinner..^^LOLX~~
I love my life so much without stress,assmgt,exam...suddenly felt like a bit regret cos i will grad 1 sem early than my frdz..i will take the subject tat i m gonna take at delta year third sem..now i juz left one more subject at tat sem..shud i take it earlier at next sem??or juz take one subject at my delta year third sem??oh no...is kinda confusing...suddenly felt like Uni life will flying so fast..>.<~i had to work SOON..isit a gud news f4 me?i wish to grad fast fast b4 becos my age is a reason f4 me..almost all of my uni frdz will grad by next year..except mechanical engineer de..chemical bio de..but now..i dunt wish i grad so far..haha..
Anyway..anyhow~~I like the words.."Life wif ease, JOy wif me"~~no matter the things is kinda difficult..no matter the road is 崎岖不平~Joy你都要加油哦~^^
~忙碌的gamma year~
wow~~feel like long time dint blogging at here..since i m in Gamma year, feel like the life in gamma year is reli extremely busy than beta one...start frm June till now.everyday nid to rush f4 assgmt,quizz, doing class activities,prepare f4 midterm test~~everything feel like come to find me at the same time..FINALLY,ya~~finally some of the assgmt n all the midterm test is past ady~~haha~ytd juz fin the last paper f4 my midterm paper..feel like relax a bit ady~~awesome~~tis morning i woke up very early,tot wanna sleep late late cos ytd juz slept at 3.00am++~but no wonder i woke up at 9.00am ady~haha~~
Last week juz back to my sweet hometown,felt like the few days in my hometown is awesome..It is becos i try to sms my frdz n try to make gathering wif them(my secondary school)..Thx God i successed to met 2 gang of my frdz..some of the frdz is almost a few years dint saw them ady~~the feeling is awesome~~一日不见,如山丘西..haha~~we tok a lot..smile a lot..share a lot..I like the feeling~^^haha~~Besides tat, i cooked mi hun soap f4 my frdz Karen who get cancer de~while looking at her face,felt like a bit 安慰cos she is feeling better now^^thx God~she is a strong gals...:P
Apart frm tat, my MMU frdz also come to my hometown n gonna eat some famous food at Yp..i treat them ate durian..wakaka~~suddenly felt tat it is can ate the durian in ur sweet hometown is warm n sweet..thx my dad go to our farm n collect the durian f4 us...haha~~tat day..23-07~~i m very busy~~after they came yp, i drived car n follow them go to bp to hv some fun,情人桥,Pasific mall~~yamtea~~haha~we took a lot of photo~~reli satisfied wif it^^tat day reach yp at 9.00pm n straight away rushing f4 my next gathering..^^~~damn tired actually..
Sunday, i hv to fetch my another gang de frdz go to gathering again..after tat take bus go to bp meet my MMU frdz n stay at her house..we follow her family go to her aunty house n help her cousin celebrate her Big day~~first time ate the 素食的vege steamboat~~is a different taste f4 me..her little cousin is cute n i played a lot wif her..haha~~
27-07-11~~tis date hv a different meaning to me..it is becos smtg happened in my life at 27-07-10~~if u guys gt c my post last year,,u will knoe it..Thx god~~my family is healthy here..my grandpapa n grandmama is still exist..i had to appreciate them so much~cos last week i juz went to 白事(my frdz's grandfather)
Ermn...is time to hv some private sharing at here,haha~~recently create a weibo~~the name of my weibo is Joy 1106~i like to share n spam anything tat i m nt dare to post in fb der....tat place is a very safety place f4 me..haha~~i like to share my mood...my things at there..cos some of the ppl tat dunt knoe i m tokking abt them..haha~esp Him.^^~n them~:P
Start frm tis sem,i cahnge my hairstyle..get many gud response frm my frdz..cos it looks younger than b4..yeah~i like to heard tat i m younger..haha..isit wanna match wif...??Hmm...dunt knoe y...suddenly feel like my life dunt hv ppl can share wif..sometime kinda sad..it is becos i can share wadeva things to a person,but tis sem the person is busying like bees..so i m nt dare to alwayz spamming n send msg to the person..yaya~I HAD TO GET USUAL IN IT~~even though it is kinda hard to control it..but i had to force myself to do tat..haizzz..i hate the feeling tat once i get usual in it,once we keep chatting wif each other everyday f4 few months..I will get usual to show my concern to the person alwayz..even though some of the fb frdz find me at chatting box..some of the frdz ask f4 my contact number..i alwayz ignore them becos i juz wanna tok to u~wats wrong wif me??ishhhh..>.<~~Joy wong~~u CANT B like tat~~!!PLZ!!!
During June,i had watched a Korean Drama which is call~after watched tat drama,feel like age is nt a big prob btw a couple even though the gal is 7 years old older than the guy,,.but they still can stick tgt n love tgt gao gao~~can i change my rules b4??can i accept the ppl who r smaller than me f4 2 years old??hmmmnnn...i think i can accept it if i reli meet my truth love~wakaka~~but how abt distance n religion??haizzz....dunt knoe..my sis told me..if u reli meet the ppl tat u reli Love,u will ignore all the rules..isit truth??i dunt knoe...I scared distance relationship once i grad..i scared we will hv some fighting becos of different religion..n somemore is i tot tat He juz treat me as a jiejie or juz a 不起眼的朋友~impossible to hv some progression man...one more things i knoe is Him will knoe everything n arrange one of the angel by myside~~arhhhh...most of my frdz is getting in a relationship rite now~Where is my Mr. Right..sometime i reli hope tat i will never walked alone u knoe~~i wished tat can hv somebody tat i can share wif..tok wif..smiling wif..BUT!!!once i thinking bk f4 my pain..i reli scared tat to get in a relationship cos i scared to get hurt~i scared the feeling of painful~~i scared n worried so many things..I hope tat i can meet my Mr. Right after i grad at MMU here..can i control it?Can i apply wat i promise to myself ?let the time prove everything gua~~Joy~~Gambateh^^
Last week juz back to my sweet hometown,felt like the few days in my hometown is awesome..It is becos i try to sms my frdz n try to make gathering wif them(my secondary school)..Thx God i successed to met 2 gang of my frdz..some of the frdz is almost a few years dint saw them ady~~the feeling is awesome~~一日不见,如山丘西..haha~~we tok a lot..smile a lot..share a lot..I like the feeling~^^haha~~Besides tat, i cooked mi hun soap f4 my frdz Karen who get cancer de~while looking at her face,felt like a bit 安慰cos she is feeling better now^^thx God~she is a strong gals...:P
Apart frm tat, my MMU frdz also come to my hometown n gonna eat some famous food at Yp..i treat them ate durian..wakaka~~suddenly felt tat it is can ate the durian in ur sweet hometown is warm n sweet..thx my dad go to our farm n collect the durian f4 us...haha~~tat day..23-07~~i m very busy~~after they came yp, i drived car n follow them go to bp to hv some fun,情人桥,Pasific mall~~yamtea~~haha~we took a lot of photo~~reli satisfied wif it^^tat day reach yp at 9.00pm n straight away rushing f4 my next gathering..^^~~damn tired actually..
Sunday, i hv to fetch my another gang de frdz go to gathering again..after tat take bus go to bp meet my MMU frdz n stay at her house..we follow her family go to her aunty house n help her cousin celebrate her Big day~~first time ate the 素食的vege steamboat~~is a different taste f4 me..her little cousin is cute n i played a lot wif her..haha~~
27-07-11~~tis date hv a different meaning to me..it is becos smtg happened in my life at 27-07-10~~if u guys gt c my post last year,,u will knoe it..Thx god~~my family is healthy here..my grandpapa n grandmama is still exist..i had to appreciate them so much~cos last week i juz went to 白事(my frdz's grandfather)
Ermn...is time to hv some private sharing at here,haha~~recently create a weibo~~the name of my weibo is Joy 1106~i like to share n spam anything tat i m nt dare to post in fb der....tat place is a very safety place f4 me..haha~~i like to share my mood...my things at there..cos some of the ppl tat dunt knoe i m tokking abt them..haha~esp Him.^^~n them~:P
Start frm tis sem,i cahnge my hairstyle..get many gud response frm my frdz..cos it looks younger than b4..yeah~i like to heard tat i m younger..haha..isit wanna match wif...??Hmm...dunt knoe y...suddenly feel like my life dunt hv ppl can share wif..sometime kinda sad..it is becos i can share wadeva things to a person,but tis sem the person is busying like bees..so i m nt dare to alwayz spamming n send msg to the person..yaya~I HAD TO GET USUAL IN IT~~even though it is kinda hard to control it..but i had to force myself to do tat..haizzz..i hate the feeling tat once i get usual in it,once we keep chatting wif each other everyday f4 few months..I will get usual to show my concern to the person alwayz..even though some of the fb frdz find me at chatting box..some of the frdz ask f4 my contact number..i alwayz ignore them becos i juz wanna tok to u~wats wrong wif me??ishhhh..>.<~~Joy wong~~u CANT B like tat~~!!PLZ!!!
During June,i had watched a Korean Drama which is call
♥~爱不保留~Unreserved Love~♥

营会的第一天~~晚上当了天使(线人)~超好笑~恐怖~惊人的~~好笑是为了不让队员们发现到我~无计可施的情况下躲在了车底下~(路是泊油路)超可怜~寒酸的感觉~~就因为队员们突然的出现~所以只好躲在那了~~搞到自己的手脚黑青~~恐怖的是一个人要多在hall里头的密室的门后内~~那个密室超暗的~~右手边饰面大镜子~左手边是很多个衣橱(门都是开掉的)~~不过我高八度的声音最终真的是有成功吓到营员咯~哈哈~~另外一次是躲在一间store room里头~~伸手不见五指~我的眼睛一直紧闭着~~心里面还不停的在唱诗歌~~哈哈~~等待队员们的到来真的是~~怕的咯~~另一次是躲在营地里第二暗的厕所里头~~oh no~~胆小的我尽然要鼓起豹子胆~~流水声不时在耳边打响~让我毛骨悚然~~超怕超多蚊子的~就那样~~游戏结束了~第一天也那样结束了~
营会第三天~~睡眠好转点可是还是迟睡~~早上带领的小组感觉比第一天好点瓜~可是觉得还有许多进步的空间~谢谢传道的教诲~~真的发现及看见自己许多缺乏的地方~~下午的游戏足以让我体力透支了~作”魔鬼“跑来跑去吓唬营员~拍拍照~~喷水枪~~在营地一直跑这跑那的~虽然累~但是玩得很开心~~晚上的<我是大明星>~~都还算蛮顺利的瓜~~当任主持人其中之一~~间中连同其他同工及导师穿插在他们剧情里头~~考验他们的临场反应~在此真的深感抱歉~~本人入戏太深~~被指演得太过激烈~组员们~你们变脸了~~脸黑了~~我对此真的非常抱歉~也许因为前不久参加了theater class~所以演习的功力大有进步吧~expression 太强~~haizzz..有点伤心~~我怎么不好好控制下呢~~不过大体来说进行顺利就好~~
last but nt least,再回去yp之前大伙儿去到了英雄广场玩食指路口~~他们玩~我们负责shopping~~等营员们来找我们拍照~要线索之类的~~起初跟着姐一起逛~看他买东西~选东西~之后觉得很显~就一个人在dp里头走走~~看看~~等待营员们找我拍照~哈哈~~去到了戏院~看见三五成群的情侣们~突然间有点点的~~不知怎么形容的感受~~人嘛~~终究还是有孤单的时候~~就让一切交托给神吧~~晚上八点抵达永平~~四天三夜的营会就告个段落~有些不舍~怀念~~^^
不知怎么~~就想上来写些什么的~~时光飞逝~转眼间两星期的假期就仅剩下了一星期了~~好快~~好快啊~~这星期一定要好好地度过阿~因为下一次的假期可要等上要好久了~~跑步~~cm载我骑着摩托走走~~兜风~~上上网~~帮忙主日学~~练习吉他~~学着bad romance~~练习钢琴~~学着canon~拜访我癌症的sis~开着营会的会议~~最近~有感恩~有不开心的事~~haizz...
wakaka...finally fin my final exam ady n i stayed at sweet hometown f4 days ady..hmmm...gonna share my happy things first..hehe
it is a saturday nite...i felt happy becos i met someone who i miss her so much..one year more gonna miss her like crazy..i dunt hv any excuse to meet her again at her house..i dunt hv any zi ge to go to her house n visit them..chat wif them..i miss the time together wif her..share abt cooking things together.. prepare materials together..i reli appreciate wat they did f4 me..THX GOD..u all is a gud parents tat i never met b4..treat me so gud..anyway...tat nite..shake hand wif u..chat wif u..i m really bu she de to leave...i m really very happy n appreciate tat moment..
it is sunday nite..is a sad things tat i m gonna to share at here..ytd..my 大姑back frm sg..,my二姑 also come to my house...suddenly one auntie come to my house..掀起了a sensitive topic~~haizz...my mum, grandmum,all of their husband also join f4 tis topic!!oh no...our ears(all my sis)..gonna start to feel pain liao..haizz...又要听到大人们说那些大人话~~感觉在拍电视剧~~haizz..婚姻~~人嘛~~为什么结婚了在一起就出现那么多的问题?为什么??真的对婚姻产生恐惧阿!!能不能只是永远的谈恋爱就好?婆媳战争..夫妻间的问题~~何时可以做个了断?为什么这些问题一定会存在?从小~~活在恐惧之中~~随时都可以听到耳边传来阵阵吵架声~~偶尔把我们这些可怜无辜的女儿卷入战争中~~haizz..人长大了~~感谢主这些无谓的战争少了~~耳根清静了~~可是有时还是难免阿~~!!大姐最近在发着牢骚~~可见得跟婆媳住在一起~~是多么辛苦的一件事啊!!~三姐是快要结婚的人了~为了点感情是在fb上面写到~为什么谈恋爱就一定要结婚的相关话题~~四姐呢~~也是快要结婚了~~最近因为订婚的事有点摩擦~~haizz..怎么大家都嫁了~婚姻阿!!你真的令人畏惧!!~昨天在fb看见一个中学同学放了结婚照了~还蛮惊讶的~~我真希望~~我以后的伴侣不会要求要与婆媳共处一屋~~
next..ytd nite i watch a movie tat intro by my frdsz(actually my sis ask me go to watch since few months ago le..but i feel tat movie name is very..==balia..<3 idiots>~~no wonder i watched it by ytd.it is worth to spend my 2 hour++ f4 watching tis movie...这三个主角是拿engineer的~让我看见了他们对友情的重视~不会因为个人的利益而出卖彼此~选择了自寻短见~其中一位超天才的~自作了一个会飞且有camera的飞行仪器~用许多原理来制造出许多令人刮目相看的机器~还能救即将死去的婴孩~每一个人都有权利选择自己要走的路~追求自己的梦想~自己要读的科系~不要因为被逼而选择自己毫无兴趣的科系~否则读出来也不会开心~而我..何常不是??老实说~我真的不知道自己的兴趣~专长在哪里~我什么都不会~~我不像姐姐会对头发有兴趣而去做理发师~我不像妹妹做美容师~我没很热爱烹饪~~没像姐姐那么会用珠子来做成许许多多的吊饰~~我只会读死书~~死读书~真的觉得自己不是读书的料子~~混进大学里头为了就是拿到一张文凭让父母感到骄傲~光荣~~他们的女儿当中有位大学生哟!也许~~我只能作的就是乖乖把书读好~~文凭拿稳~顺利毕业~~做工~~赚钱还债~~孝敬他们~~好多的反思阿~~
last but nt least..我想~~我最终还是要学习~~学习不去习惯~~不去依赖~~不去过度担心你~~必须分清楚自己到底是谁?什么身份~~不能自私~~不要想到太过长远~~也许是怕失去~~太过珍惜~所以害怕~~失去的那一天~好啦~一切~~就让它顺其自然吧~~~^^XD
it is a saturday nite...i felt happy becos i met someone who i miss her so much..one year more gonna miss her like crazy..i dunt hv any excuse to meet her again at her house..i dunt hv any zi ge to go to her house n visit them..chat wif them..i miss the time together wif her..share abt cooking things together.. prepare materials together..i reli appreciate wat they did f4 me..THX GOD..u all is a gud parents tat i never met b4..treat me so gud..anyway...tat nite..shake hand wif u..chat wif u..i m really bu she de to leave...i m really very happy n appreciate tat moment..
it is sunday nite..is a sad things tat i m gonna to share at here..ytd..my 大姑back frm sg..,my二姑 also come to my house...suddenly one auntie come to my house..掀起了a sensitive topic~~haizz...my mum, grandmum,all of their husband also join f4 tis topic!!oh no...our ears(all my sis)..gonna start to feel pain liao..haizz...又要听到大人们说那些大人话~~感觉在拍电视剧~~haizz..婚姻~~人嘛~~为什么结婚了在一起就出现那么多的问题?为什么??真的对婚姻产生恐惧阿!!能不能只是永远的谈恋爱就好?婆媳战争..夫妻间的问题~~何时可以做个了断?为什么这些问题一定会存在?从小~~活在恐惧之中~~随时都可以听到耳边传来阵阵吵架声~~偶尔把我们这些可怜无辜的女儿卷入战争中~~haizz..人长大了~~感谢主这些无谓的战争少了~~耳根清静了~~可是有时还是难免阿~~!!大姐最近在发着牢骚~~可见得跟婆媳住在一起~~是多么辛苦的一件事啊!!~三姐是快要结婚的人了~为了点感情是在fb上面写到~为什么谈恋爱就一定要结婚的相关话题~~四姐呢~~也是快要结婚了~~最近因为订婚的事有点摩擦~~haizz..怎么大家都嫁了~婚姻阿!!你真的令人畏惧!!~昨天在fb看见一个中学同学放了结婚照了~还蛮惊讶的~~我真希望~~我以后的伴侣不会要求要与婆媳共处一屋~~
next..ytd nite i watch a movie tat intro by my frdsz(actually my sis ask me go to watch since few months ago le..but i feel tat movie name is very..==balia..<3 idiots>~~no wonder i watched it by ytd.it is worth to spend my 2 hour++ f4 watching tis movie...这三个主角是拿engineer的~让我看见了他们对友情的重视~不会因为个人的利益而出卖彼此~选择了自寻短见~其中一位超天才的~自作了一个会飞且有camera的飞行仪器~用许多原理来制造出许多令人刮目相看的机器~还能救即将死去的婴孩~每一个人都有权利选择自己要走的路~追求自己的梦想~自己要读的科系~不要因为被逼而选择自己毫无兴趣的科系~否则读出来也不会开心~而我..何常不是??老实说~我真的不知道自己的兴趣~专长在哪里~我什么都不会~~我不像姐姐会对头发有兴趣而去做理发师~我不像妹妹做美容师~我没很热爱烹饪~~没像姐姐那么会用珠子来做成许许多多的吊饰~~我只会读死书~~死读书~真的觉得自己不是读书的料子~~混进大学里头为了就是拿到一张文凭让父母感到骄傲~光荣~~他们的女儿当中有位大学生哟!也许~~我只能作的就是乖乖把书读好~~文凭拿稳~顺利毕业~~做工~~赚钱还债~~孝敬他们~~好多的反思阿~~
last but nt least..我想~~我最终还是要学习~~学习不去习惯~~不去依赖~~不去过度担心你~~必须分清楚自己到底是谁?什么身份~~不能自私~~不要想到太过长远~~也许是怕失去~~太过珍惜~所以害怕~~失去的那一天~好啦~一切~~就让它顺其自然吧~~~^^XD

wakaka~~currently i stay at yp f4 four days ady..suddenly feel tat eating is a happiness things f4 me..wahaha..feel like happiness becos can eat so many things tat prepare by my dear mummmy~~<3
last wednesday..05-05-11..it is the time f4 theater performance..yeah~~i m so happy n excited f4 tat day..two weeks of rehearsal..always stay at campus until midnite..finally can say gud bye ady..kindly wanna say tq to my daughter,husband(if no u all,i also can not finish my part completely) n all of the actors...director..stage mananger,custom department n so on..i had learn many things by taking tis theater subject..get many frds also..sweet experiences..sad experience..抱怨..觉得烂费时间..觉得只是小角色不必太过注重..觉得被忽略..好多好多的经历..在被讲师称赞的那一询间~化为了乌有~觉得所牺牲的一切都是值得的~真得好开心~~兴奋到难以用英文来写下自己的感受了~THANK GOD..haha...原来区区`一个小角色尽然是如此的重要~还会被讲师注意到~让观众吓着了我的演技~哈哈~~真是觉得好不可思议噢~我的演技得到了赞许~thx f4 my husband n daughter.our effort is worth!!yeah~~
saturday nite..feel like a bit emo..haizz..smtg happened make me feel like i m so useless..ntg can do..ntg can help..juz keep speechless n 无奈 ==..feel tat wanna tell my frds tat i always share many things to him..but feel like it is over..shud nt share it out wif a frd..sg life is like tat..dunt hv partner can share..muz get usual in it..so juz keep it inside my heart..haizz..hopefelly everything will b fine ASAP..i scared fighting sejak kecil lagi..i scared to get marriage..but i desire to get in a relationship..人嘛~真矛盾~~(thx god i dunt hv any pain feeling or sad when c "them" went out together frm church..yeah^^.
yesterday(sunday)..ya..is Happy mum's day..sincerely wish all of the mum in tis world..haPPy mother's day^^yesterday ate so many things until my stomach feel like wanna boom ady..got a bit stomachache..wahaha..luckily feeling well b4 watch movie at bp wif my dear sis n her bf..wahaha..enjoy the movie time..me n my second sis shouted like crazy..haha..it is fun at all..after we back to yp..yamtea again at yp wif my family..i think tat is the 101 times we can stick together n yamtea together..(dad n mum yamtea together wif us)..feel like so happiness..i hope tat tis happiness can keep it until the end of the world..^^

wakaka...currently feel like so free rite now.finished my BFB paper tis morning..now nid to start my alone life..my dear roommates all went back ady.T.T..kinda sad becos i nid to finish my drama presentation n arabic presentation first baru can go back..feel like home sick+ing~~
anyway..juz sharing my short sem life..i m honestly share tat i kinda enjoy m short sem life since frm I-cAre event till now..although i nid to sacrifice my mid-term break..i cant stay at my sweet hometown f4 more few days..but i ENJOY my life..
thinking back for the event..it is very xin ku n super tired everyday cos we all nid to find sponsorship..nid to b brave when asking ppl sponsor some money f4 us..face many kind of ppl in tis world..T.T..after tat day..start to busy wif the booth..design our board..practise the group singing..wake up at the early morning for duty on 11-04(event morning session)..i m kinda enjoy the nite session most...haha.firstly take photo wif two singers..although they all nt very famous..but kinda haPPy^^shouted non-stop...till crazy..i like the feeling..long time dint shout like tat..wakaka...all stress come out ady..
after the event day..is the time to busy wif my theater assg..arabic quizz..BMO assg n presentation..join the CPC event..listen abt the cancer talk..rehearsal f4 my theater..having appreciation dinner n movie..prepare f4 BFB exem..wow..feel like so busy in tis sem...but obviously..i always sick joih in tis sem..thx f4 showing ur concern to me always^^appreciate it..mayb will lose contact one day..but..thx to appear in my life^^
ermn..i really thx god f4 smtg..n make me knoe many frds esp my theater frds..thx f4 giving me the character of "wife"..n i hv a handsome "husband"..haha..long time dint play drama since i was in year 2008 f4 youth camp till now..b a gud actors really is nt a easy job~even though i juz a small part in the script..but i think tat i really can not b a gud actors..mayb i really nt gt usual in acting even though my frds said i like to use body language to express somtg..pattern more than badminton.haha..hmnn..dunt knoe y recently feel like wish to find a partner..feel like wanna get the happiness..share the happy things...watch movie together wif him..suddenly feel like a bit emo becos of thinking smtg which was pass few years ago....haizz..i think it is becos recently i m practse f4 my role wif my "husband"~so make me hv tat kind of feeling gua.anyway..stop to think abt tis kind of things n juz enjoy my sg life ba...wait f4 the arrangement frm JC~yeah~~the end of 29th April..happy moment..sad moment..all is gone ady..time is gone..ppl is gone..heart is gone..tear is gone..but Joy still muz face the reality of life...ya..everything is pass ady..juz looking forward to the next day...nt the previous..i muz b joyful evey year..^^Joy~~~gambateh~~:P
Life is ease,JoY wif me^^
wakaka...tis is the first blog tat i write in year 2011..y i put the title name like tat?haha..actually it is becos i like the title name which post at my frds's blog there...juz view+ing his blog..suddenly gt feeling wanna write smtg at here~~<3
ermn..i think i better use chinese to share wat it come out frm my mind ba^^
1)最近发生了些突如其来的事~~还来不及应付~整理思绪~~那一天的夜晚~正在欢笑的跟室友谈起天~说说地~~嘻嘻哈哈总是少不了在我们的room 1 的~哈哈~~但~~一通电话~足以让我的心情跌入了谷底~~一切来得突然~眼泪在硬忍着不让它夺眶而出~肿瘤~cancer~~一切就发生在一个不可能的人的身上~那一晚~我对着电脑~~自闭着~~没心情笑~~没心情跟一个special的网友聊天~~失眠了~~第二天好好的整理思绪~好不容易露出了丝丝的微笑(在朋友面前)~~晚上演戏班的games...acting...更是调整好了自己的心情~人嘛~还是要快乐点度日比较充实咯~每天绑着脸也不是办法~也不是我的作风~~那几天都很忙~没法抽出时间去探望她~~昨天终于有时间~去了PH医院看karen~~搭了巴士去之前还快马加鞭走去老地方买点包子给她吃~水果及饼干在之前早已准备好了咯~~一踏入那门口~~新粉刷的墙壁不禁让我觉得一切都焕然一新~~走进了341~~看到了karen实在是很开心~~她好乐观~好坚强~好多弟兄姐妹及朋友的关怀~电话~信息~~我相信~~她会坚强地与病魔对抗的~~希望星期一的报告出来一切是良好的~是良性的~~你要加油哦~~谢谢你的劝勉~我会下定决心减少吃maggi mee的~~会尽量不把电话放身边~~会早一点就入睡~~健康~~真的是很重要啊~~
2)前几天当我一打开fb就看到有人在status那边post abt yp下了冰炮~~挂了大风(飓风)~树乱倒在路旁~有些屋子的网片还被掀起~~oh no~~又是日本的海啸~~地震~核场的爆发~~好多的事件是不是应证了世界末日即将“开拍”了~~有些感触~~可...我想还是认认真真地开开心心的度过每一天~珍惜身边每一个人才是最重要的咯~~
3)断断续续从12月尾断断续续地跟一个网友聊天~到现在的每一天~哇~自己怎么那么会聊哦~难以置信咯~~anyway~昨天的我很开心~因为我成功的陪伴那人从伤心直到开心~我喜欢关心人~喜欢带欢乐给人~虽然觉得自己所说的话好废~可是就是想赢得对方的一丝笑容~还蛮有点成就感~哈哈~~虽然不是我的功劳啦~我很享受聊天的时光~好久没有用那种方式跟人聊天~很久没有分享自己的事~生活点滴~~当我受伤时好久没有听到sayang这句话~窝心~温馨~很久没人因我的安全而担心(+最近有位天使为我代祷~感恩)~~很珍惜这位朋友阿~你跟我一样喜欢关心人~喜欢聊天~不喜欢别人没回复你的信息~你很配合我的“作弄”~哈哈~重来没开口跟你说句话~见面时只是露出微笑~虽不了解你~但总感觉你还蛮靠铺的~i like to joke n play wif u~谢谢你在面子书加了我~^^
说起一月份~~第一次在马六甲长老会count down~~参与岁末祷告会~~庆祝圣诞节~感觉是如此的新鲜~~喜乐~~
说起二月份~~那是令人期待的新年~也是令人不期待的考试~~TT~~今年的新年感觉好快就那样没了~~唯一值得纪念的是family day~~大伙全家大小去到了golf resolf住上了一晚~~第一次与家人sing k~~玩得好疯~爱搞气氛的我还show了一些超废的“舞技”~“唱技”~哈哈~~还搞到自己的声音没了~~but是值得的~~哈哈~~新年过了~~姐妹们就真的不知道何时才能团聚~也许是太久没见面的关系~偶尔会感觉有点gap~有点不知该说什么好的~是否因为大家都成长了~思想more realistic~~不过爱说“废话”让大家开心的我~还是有话题可聊啦~
在我上来马六甲的前一晚~大哥大伙们就来我家做客~~过后突然冒出来整十多个来~Oh no~有点尴尬~~不知怎么应对~有些都不认识~~哈哈~不过蛮开心的~大多都是跟我同年龄~当然少不了拍张照留念咯~~真的很开心~~
说起三月份~~也就是现在~~一大堆的assg..event..等着要去应对~~求神赐我智慧~~让我能一一的面对一切~~Joy with me~yaya...i muz b joyful everyday^^<3
ermn..i think i better use chinese to share wat it come out frm my mind ba^^
1)最近发生了些突如其来的事~~还来不及应付~整理思绪~~那一天的夜晚~正在欢笑的跟室友谈起天~说说地~~嘻嘻哈哈总是少不了在我们的room 1 的~哈哈~~但~~一通电话~足以让我的心情跌入了谷底~~一切来得突然~眼泪在硬忍着不让它夺眶而出~肿瘤~cancer~~一切就发生在一个不可能的人的身上~那一晚~我对着电脑~~自闭着~~没心情笑~~没心情跟一个special的网友聊天~~失眠了~~第二天好好的整理思绪~好不容易露出了丝丝的微笑(在朋友面前)~~晚上演戏班的games...acting...更是调整好了自己的心情~人嘛~还是要快乐点度日比较充实咯~每天绑着脸也不是办法~也不是我的作风~~那几天都很忙~没法抽出时间去探望她~~昨天终于有时间~去了PH医院看karen~~搭了巴士去之前还快马加鞭走去老地方买点包子给她吃~水果及饼干在之前早已准备好了咯~~一踏入那门口~~新粉刷的墙壁不禁让我觉得一切都焕然一新~~走进了341~~看到了karen实在是很开心~~她好乐观~好坚强~好多弟兄姐妹及朋友的关怀~电话~信息~~我相信~~她会坚强地与病魔对抗的~~希望星期一的报告出来一切是良好的~是良性的~~你要加油哦~~谢谢你的劝勉~我会下定决心减少吃maggi mee的~~会尽量不把电话放身边~~会早一点就入睡~~健康~~真的是很重要啊~~
2)前几天当我一打开fb就看到有人在status那边post abt yp下了冰炮~~挂了大风(飓风)~树乱倒在路旁~有些屋子的网片还被掀起~~oh no~~又是日本的海啸~~地震~核场的爆发~~好多的事件是不是应证了世界末日即将“开拍”了~~有些感触~~可...我想还是认认真真地开开心心的度过每一天~珍惜身边每一个人才是最重要的咯~~
3)断断续续从12月尾断断续续地跟一个网友聊天~到现在的每一天~哇~自己怎么那么会聊哦~难以置信咯~~anyway~昨天的我很开心~因为我成功的陪伴那人从伤心直到开心~我喜欢关心人~喜欢带欢乐给人~虽然觉得自己所说的话好废~可是就是想赢得对方的一丝笑容~还蛮有点成就感~哈哈~~虽然不是我的功劳啦~我很享受聊天的时光~好久没有用那种方式跟人聊天~很久没有分享自己的事~生活点滴~~当我受伤时好久没有听到sayang这句话~窝心~温馨~很久没人因我的安全而担心(+最近有位天使为我代祷~感恩)~~很珍惜这位朋友阿~你跟我一样喜欢关心人~喜欢聊天~不喜欢别人没回复你的信息~你很配合我的“作弄”~哈哈~重来没开口跟你说句话~见面时只是露出微笑~虽不了解你~但总感觉你还蛮靠铺的~i like to joke n play wif u~谢谢你在面子书加了我~^^
说起一月份~~第一次在马六甲长老会count down~~参与岁末祷告会~~庆祝圣诞节~感觉是如此的新鲜~~喜乐~~
说起二月份~~那是令人期待的新年~也是令人不期待的考试~~TT~~今年的新年感觉好快就那样没了~~唯一值得纪念的是family day~~大伙全家大小去到了golf resolf住上了一晚~~第一次与家人sing k~~玩得好疯~爱搞气氛的我还show了一些超废的“舞技”~“唱技”~哈哈~~还搞到自己的声音没了~~but是值得的~~哈哈~~新年过了~~姐妹们就真的不知道何时才能团聚~也许是太久没见面的关系~偶尔会感觉有点gap~有点不知该说什么好的~是否因为大家都成长了~思想more realistic~~不过爱说“废话”让大家开心的我~还是有话题可聊啦~
在我上来马六甲的前一晚~大哥大伙们就来我家做客~~过后突然冒出来整十多个来~Oh no~有点尴尬~~不知怎么应对~有些都不认识~~哈哈~不过蛮开心的~大多都是跟我同年龄~当然少不了拍张照留念咯~~真的很开心~~
说起三月份~~也就是现在~~一大堆的assg..event..等着要去应对~~求神赐我智慧~~让我能一一的面对一切~~Joy with me~yaya...i muz b joyful everyday^^<3
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