
NO fb,NO phone...

yahoo~~tis two days gonna relax gao gao~haha~~ytd is reli an awesome day f4 me~haha~~NO fb nand phone interrupt.(actually my phone alwayz one..dunt hv ppl find me)~haha~but Joseph is super busy ytd..haha..LOLX..but he got off his phone f4 a while..yaya~who is Joseph?haha~we knoe each other in the same church n he is my junior f4 marketing management,strongly declared tat he is younger than me f4 few years old ..juz hope tat somebody wont mind it..cos we r juz brother n sister in Jesus Christ..but i knoe u wont mind de..cos u dunt care abt me..>.<..but i m reli care it when u sitting wif some other gal..T.T~~btw..next time will ask him teach me play bad romance n some other song..haha^^
Ermn...Joseph is reli like a "女人"ladies..we met at 5.30pm but he came at 6.00pm~oh no..reli look like ladies ler..but me look like 男人~haha~~He juz brought smtg inside his bag but we havent reach the top hill there..he felt like very xin ku ady..haha..as "男人"~i help him to carry his bag until we reach the place which hv a nice scene one..dunt knoe how to describe it..isit the middle of the hill??haha..i dunt knoe..i m reli missed the opportunity when i went there f4 first time..cos my x-housemates said tat it is very dangerous to climb..so we dint went there..It is wrong!!ntg dangerous there i think..the 倾斜度is okay f4 me..n it is better than the Kluand 南巴山~~haha~~

We took a lot of photo at there..looking at the sunset n the environment around..Thx Lord tat create tis world.it is wonderful~~n beautiful~~He gt on his speaker..i gt on my "voice"~n try to sing wadeva song tat come out wif my brain..juz dunt care abt other ppl(2 ppl bring DSRL to took photo..but i dunt care abt it..i juz 尽情地唱~~haha~~praise the Lord..shouted a lot like crazy(when it is no ppl at there)..yahoo~~~the feeling is nice..i like it so much..throw away all the exam n assgmt.juz relax n enjoy my life~wakaka~~^^

When we decided left frm hill..he on a song which is very relax n holy one..haha..reli no nid to scare abt "smtg"~haha~~cos we got angel protect us by ourside..haha..we went to MMU corner there to hv our dinner...watch the Taiwan programme at there..it is fun n happy~~felt like long time dint watch TV ady~~haha^^

After fin watching it,he told me he wanna swimming when he bk to his hostel..wow..Swimming..i like to play water n swimming so much~~~finally..i decided to go wif him(he said the staff juz change the water)..haha..but i juz hv one hour more can stay at izora cos at time i reach izora is 9.00pm ady~haha~~one of his frdz also join us at there..we hv some fun at there..(next time i will try to improve my swimming skills de cos my speed is reli too slow..Karen juz teach me how to swim at UG last last sem..so long time dint swimming ady..haha)..i like to look at the sky n star n lying at the swimming pool there..i like to think a lot..think abt some past things at the swimming pool there...however,he juz went to a corner n listen some english song..haha..

I walked to my hostel alone n when i gonna reach my hostel..there r a big gang of Indian guys stay at there..oh no..damn make me scared der..i juz dunt care abt them n try to walk fast fast even though they gt make some "mice" voice~~After took my bathe..i planned to leaning point n upload the photo..No wonder Joseph also wanna went tgt n saw those photo tat we took...so we juz went there tgt..but he left earlier cos he wanna accp his frdz to hv dinner..^^LOLX~~

I love my life so much without stress,assmgt,exam...suddenly felt like a bit regret cos i will grad 1 sem early than my frdz..i will take the subject tat i m gonna take at delta year third sem..now i juz left one more subject at tat sem..shud i take it earlier at next sem??or juz take one subject at my delta year third sem??oh no...is kinda confusing...suddenly felt like Uni life will flying so fast..>.<~i had to work SOON..isit a gud news f4 me?i wish to grad fast fast b4 becos my age is a reason f4 me..almost all of my uni frdz will grad by next year..except mechanical engineer de..chemical bio de..but now..i dunt wish i grad so far..haha..

Anyway..anyhow~~I like the words.."Life wif ease, JOy wif me"~~no matter the things is kinda difficult..no matter the road is 崎岖不平~Joy你都要加油哦~^^

