
~忙碌的gamma year~

wow~~feel like long time dint blogging at here..since i m in Gamma year, feel like the life in gamma year is reli extremely busy than beta one...start frm June till now.everyday nid to rush f4 assgmt,quizz, doing class activities,prepare f4 midterm test~~everything feel like come to find me at the same time..FINALLY,ya~~finally some of the assgmt n all the midterm test is past ady~~haha~ytd juz fin the last paper f4 my midterm paper..feel like relax a bit ady~~awesome~~tis morning i woke up very early,tot wanna sleep late late cos ytd juz slept at 3.00am++~but no wonder i woke up at 9.00am ady~haha~~

Last week juz back to my sweet hometown,felt like the few days in my hometown is awesome..It is becos i try to sms my frdz n try to make gathering wif them(my secondary school)..Thx God i successed to met 2 gang of my frdz..some of the frdz is almost a few years dint saw them ady~~the feeling is awesome~~一日不见,如山丘西..haha~~we tok a lot..smile a lot..share a lot..I like the feeling~^^haha~~Besides tat, i cooked mi hun soap f4 my frdz Karen who get cancer de~while looking at her face,felt like a bit 安慰cos she is feeling better now^^thx God~she is a strong gals...:P

Apart frm tat, my MMU frdz also come to my hometown n gonna eat some famous food at Yp..i treat them ate durian..wakaka~~suddenly felt tat it is can ate the durian in ur sweet hometown is warm n sweet..thx my dad go to our farm n collect the durian f4 us...haha~~tat day..23-07~~i m very busy~~after they came yp, i drived car n follow them go to bp to hv some fun,情人桥,Pasific mall~~yamtea~~haha~we took a lot of photo~~reli satisfied wif it^^tat day reach yp at 9.00pm n straight away rushing f4 my next gathering..^^~~damn tired actually..

Sunday, i hv to fetch my another gang de frdz go to gathering again..after tat take bus go to bp meet my MMU frdz n stay at her house..we follow her family go to her aunty house n help her cousin celebrate her Big day~~first time ate the 素食的vege steamboat~~is a different taste f4 me..her little cousin is cute n i played a lot wif her..haha~~

27-07-11~~tis date hv a different meaning to me..it is becos smtg happened in my life at 27-07-10~~if u guys gt c my post last year,,u will knoe it..Thx god~~my family is healthy here..my grandpapa n grandmama is still exist..i had to appreciate them so much~cos last week i juz went to 白事(my frdz's grandfather)

Ermn...is time to hv some private sharing at here,haha~~recently create a weibo~~the name of my weibo is Joy 1106~i like to share n spam anything tat i m nt dare to post in fb der....tat place is a very safety place f4 me..haha~~i like to share my mood...my things at there..cos some of the ppl tat dunt knoe i m tokking abt them..haha~esp Him.^^~n them~:P

Start frm tis sem,i cahnge my hairstyle..get many gud response frm my frdz..cos it looks younger than b4..yeah~i like to heard tat i m younger..haha..isit wanna match wif...??Hmm...dunt knoe y...suddenly feel like my life dunt hv ppl can share wif..sometime kinda sad..it is becos i can share wadeva things to a person,but tis sem the person is busying like bees..so i m nt dare to alwayz spamming n send msg to the person..yaya~I HAD TO GET USUAL IN IT~~even though it is kinda hard to control it..but i had to force myself to do tat..haizzz..i hate the feeling tat once i get usual in it,once we keep chatting wif each other everyday f4 few months..I will get usual to show my concern to the person alwayz..even though some of the fb frdz find me at chatting box..some of the frdz ask f4 my contact number..i alwayz ignore them becos i juz wanna tok to u~wats wrong wif me??ishhhh..>.<~~Joy wong~~u CANT B like tat~~!!PLZ!!!

During June,i had watched a Korean Drama which is call ~after watched tat drama,feel like age is nt a big prob btw a couple even though the gal is 7 years old older than the guy,,.but they still can stick tgt n love tgt gao gao~~can i change my rules b4??can i accept the ppl who r smaller than me f4 2 years old??hmmmnnn...i think i can accept it if i reli meet my truth love~wakaka~~but how abt distance n religion??haizzz....dunt knoe..my sis told me..if u reli meet the ppl tat u reli Love,u will ignore all the rules..isit truth??i dunt knoe...I scared distance relationship once i grad..i scared we will hv some fighting becos of different religion..n somemore is i tot tat He juz treat me as a jiejie or juz a 不起眼的朋友~impossible to hv some progression man...one more things i knoe is Him will knoe everything n arrange one of the angel by myside~~arhhhh...most of my frdz is getting in a relationship rite now~Where is my Mr. Right..sometime i reli hope tat i will never walked alone u knoe~~i wished tat can hv somebody tat i can share wif..tok wif..smiling wif..BUT!!!once i thinking bk f4 my pain..i reli scared tat to get in a relationship cos i scared to get hurt~i scared the feeling of painful~~i scared n worried so many things..I hope tat i can meet my Mr. Right after i grad at MMU here..can i control it?Can i apply wat i promise to myself ?let the time prove everything gua~~Joy~~Gambateh^^ 

