wakaka~~i m reli quite long time dint updated any news at here~becos of wat??of cos is those assgmt n presentation reli make my life bc getting busier like hell...wuwu..anywy~i juz suddenly feel like wanna spend some time to tok n share abt smtg in tis important festival at here..ya~~it's Chrismas^^
Btw...Tis year i choose to celebrate tis festival in my hometown~2 years dint join the carolling at yp ler..tis year quite memorable to me cos it is raining while we r on the half way f4 carolling..We r rushing go inside to each of the cars after we fin sing the chrismas song (house by house)..We have some fun in front of the toilet..my fren holding the guitar n i m the one who in charge to sing a song by changing the lyris according to the person who went to toilet..We r playing a lot.chat a lot...i m quite happy to make them laugh n also to mix wif them as well bcos those of them is younger than me...i feel like i m juz same age wif u all while i mix wif u all ~~hahahha~~
The second day f4 carolling reli make my mood nt so gud when i knoe tat i got go to somebody house..i dunt knoe how to face them.i miss them a lot but...juz feel like i m nt qualify to meet wif them anymore...the second house f4 the carolling.pass ady~~i juz try to b normal..try to smile..n also share wif auntie abt my life.. i give her a hug..i take photo wif her..thx f4 alwayz treat me so gud n invite me go to find u..My heart will alwayz b wif u auntie^^<3~~hug hug~~
*tis morning,i m quite happy to c u n uncle went to church actually..i plan tat wanna go to chat wif u all..but i feel tat it is nt a suitable time n place..somemore at restaurant..even though we r juz very near wif each other(the table)~but i knoe tat there is a very farrrr de distance btw each other..i m nt dare to say hi wif u all but my eyes keep look at u all..(i knoe tat n i can feel tat u all got noticed me)..i tok wif my parents abt u all..i was get shocked while ur eyes look at my dad n me..i juz pretend smile to u~haizz.i HATE tat feeling!!!
*i knoe the readers who read tis blog might dunt understand wat i m trying to say...but juz let me share wadeva things at here ba~~ARHHHHHH!!!
Anyway~~I will live wif joyful in my life~I enjoy my Single life~I m quite happy to knoe u all^^thx God~~
In Conclusion~~MeRRY Chrismas to everybody(tis year de raining make me gt a bit sienzz to celebrate it esp 24th december..juz sitting at the cafe but quite boring becos dunt hv ppl count down at tat cafe..dunt hv the chrismas mood~~anyway~~Gonna say gud bye to 2011 soon~~Shud I say welcome to 2012??even though i m getting older??hahahha~~~Next year i m going f4 internship at yp here..isit gud news or bad news f4 myself?? May God Bless me^^