yahoo!!!blue 5 gathering on the 21th october..!!!!today,i got many class..sp tired..from12.00pm to 06.00pm...really so tired n i cant concentrate in Econ class..kesian..haizzz..want na sleep lo..cant catch wat teacher teaching...ermn...i was so happy at my moral class on 05.00pm to 06.00 pm cos i can go to gather with all my dear frds i see them..i am nt tires as well but then my spirit come back again..haha...we all decided go to Mp to eat stemboat at Seoul Garden..tis is the first time i go there..haha..althoght tis few days i spend many money but i am happy cos tis is a 难得的gathering..haha..below r some photo i take....haha.i always like to take photo..cos i like make some memmory i n my life..i scared..i scared i lose my memory..i like make some memory cos when i feel sad..lolely..i can see it..maybe can make me smile..
>.<haha..see the guys..leng zai or nt??

of cource we r leng lui...keke^^

see..our Blue 5 leader cute or nt?want bcme girls liao..keke..

yeah!!!!!!!!!all say chesssssssssssss...

after we ate...we go to there..we play some game n 真心话,大冒险..ohlastly i chose the no..i lose..bobian..i nid to chose some punishment lo..lastly i chose the truth cos i am nt brave as well can shouutend n run at the beach..haha!!!!b4 we leave .we all shouted together at the beach..haha.y my voice so sharp..haha^^.after tat..we all go to is my first time yamtea till 02.00pm baru go back to EP lo..sry d..cos it is our gathering with Alex n maybe we nid wait quite a long time to gather again lo..

alamakkkkkkkk..alex so pity..
wa se...
回复删除the food attract me le..wakaka
haha^^of course is very delicious lo..hehe^^cos nt very cheAP LE..ermn....playbOy.thx f4 ur sacrified today..hehe