hehe^^just finish cooking at hometown.n then suddenly i gt mood to updated the karen's birthday punya photo..ermnn..let me start the story..hehe^^tat day..16-09-09..me,ying n bibi..accompany karen go to yamtea at ruman kuning lo..we all decide want na call karen go back hometown n we three person will celebrate with her.but no wonder tat night karen sais tat maybe she wont go back then dunt want share me the reason..just share to bibi..ok lo..(那么多年的朋友白交了)just joking la...ermnn..n then after we finish yamtea..we change our planning n decide give karen a big surprise on the next day(cos me n bibi will go back hometown at 3.00pm)..then..tat morning me.bibi.n ying go to 老地方with ur housematess lo.enjoy our breakfast lo..T.T(荷包破洞了).then me n ying walking to a shop to order the cake..below gt some photo i take at tat shop..hehe..
next..let me tell the process how we give karen a big surprise...first of all..bibi phone karen n told to her she gt something want na tell karen..n want go to her house..then ...thx butter n spicy..help us to open the door..me n ying stand by at the outdoor..my hand n heart so gangjiong le..haha^^then after bibi let karen sit at her room..me n ying quikly go to her room n terus sing the birthday's song..haha^^luckily also have some surprise to karen la..cos do u knoe tat how karen so sensitive lo..haha.ok la..so long dy..just view the photo we take lo.
hehe^^karen ,we all so good right..no push ur head lo..

yeah!!karen..dunt forgt 为我许个愿咯^^

yummyyy.tis is karen's birthday cake!!

ya,thx all of u..
回复删除luckily still got u all celebrate wif me ..
i do have some surprise on dat day lah..