wakaka~finally feel like relax a bit becos most of the assgmt almost submit ady~juz left one assgmt n 2 presentation to go~recently feel like my mood is nt tat stable..sometime will feel emo~~haizz..anyway~tat day 18th August i m so happy becos i had shouted a lot when i c Willber even though i m nt his fans~During tat week..i m desire wanna shouted n claimed ady~~i like the feeling of shouted..it can help me release my stress..anway~~Will Pan r so handsome xia^^
Few days ago,first time bc part time promoter at Mydin~i m kinda satisfied wif my sales during tat two days..almost help the company earn RM3000 in two days..even though it is very tired n my leg got 水泡ady~~but it is worth~~!!!^^nice experience f4 me~~i get some frdz by doing tis job~n i suddenly kinda satisfied wif my major at i take at MMU here~~i hope tat all of the customer tat i serve r very satisfied wif my performance n service~~yeah^^(i wanna share tis things wif u at tat time..but i control myself..stop to alwayz share wif u wadave things which happened in my life)
Today, she felt happy becos she realise tat he got click like n concern abt her wall post..she gt few days dint find him n chat wif him ady~she felt lonely esp midnite or b4 she fall to sleep..she felt like nt feeling well n get insomnia..she scared tat he will avoid her or 厌烦her~~she dunt knoe how to face him or tok to him as normal when she c him at exam hall there..she was regret tat she dint say hi to him once she wanna left frm exam hall~she hate tat feeling of strange..she was nervous again when she c him..anyway~~i hope tat she dunt too concern abt his things anymore~but~can she DO TAT!!!can she stop to care on tat person??God will knoe it^^lets take it easy n b joyful in ur life ba^^
Btw~~ytd i get some time to watch a drama which name <极速复仇>~long time dunt hv tat feeling of watching drama~~i m kinda enjoy the drama sambil eat my burgeR~~the relax feeling is awesome~~i like it^^anyway~~i feel like tis drama hv some deep feeling to me.."If u dunt forgive the ppl who hurt u b4..It will like a chain around ur neck tat lead u to a place tat u dunt wanna go~It'll lead u into darkness n desolution~u will become a slave to tat hatred and u will never truthly b free unless u freely forgive them~JOY~~u muz BREAK FREE~♥♥♥"~~in tis drama~~the main character help his brother n himself revenge to those who kill his brother n him b4..when he wanna kill the last person..no wonder he try to forgive wat he make b4..he bc pastor rite now...he knee at the floor n tell him...Plz forgive wat i done b4 becos i m innocent, i juz force by my boss..I will forgive wat u wanna done later(kill him)~~when the main character listen on tat words..he was get shocked n he started to 心软~~finally~~he decided dunt kill him~it is a touch drama^^