oh no...sienzz..刚刚写好了..不知怎么不见了...又要重写..haizz...btw..write again lo..cos i m free..haha..好多心情都没写在这.因为我多数都把心情写在FB or somemore msn PA..so is lazy to write at here lo..anyway,,juzz write smth now f4 a memory f4 me la.cos less people will see tis n care my blog lo...haha.~~时间好快..转眼间..半年就那样的过了..真得好快..我也一人..辛苦的撑了..熬了半年..低潮时期..也是那样的埃了..但~~觉得还是一样..still cant totally stand up..still will thinking abt smthg which cant turn back one..think bt sweet memory~~i noe it cant turn back one..is a truth which i nid to face it !!arghhhh!!really hope tat i can be strong faster..以前的坚强...勇敢.跑去哪了?i believe tat i can do it one day^^最近..总感觉身边太多的时发生了..太多impossible things happened in my life liao...really so n so many.Zzz.esp relationship problem...always ask god y n y?until now..still cant get the answer...but i believe tat eveything will hv god 的旨意..是你的就是你的..不是你的.就算过了在多年..也会失去的!深深的领悟了许多...特别是今年..更让我学习了..独立..面对..接受事实..一个人..其实也可以过得很好..不用依赖人..学了好多..经历好多..
btw..turn to my U life..在这一年里...从sem1..sem 2..until now...finish my one year in FOSEE...is happy lo..but...still hv three years nid to survice..oh no.turn to sad...haiz..always feel tat i m old dy when grad..cos all my frds r grad in tis years or next years lo..see them can grad so fast but me is slower than them many many steps..haizz..bobian..still nid to face it..面对我所选折的..面对我的人生..面对我花了两年的时间到头来却要在多浪费了多一年的$$$n 时间在FOSEE。。haizz..虽然辛苦..但觉得也学了好多知识..面对人..课业..什么都学了好多..我想.真得万事都有神的旨意吧..至少又到东西..没白费了多了别人一年的时间..在做Assg时..更经历了许许多多的纷争..意见不合..真得是要学习去包容..bla bla bla..too many things nid to learn at one time.Zz
yesterday..21-05。。is a cute sis birthday..think abt how she celebrate her birthday..haizz..in year 2009.怀念~~昨晚还在家门旁看到了一个最熟悉摩托声..慈祥的脸蛋..心中百般无奈.还想打个招呼..大大声say..Hallo!!但就是那样的沙那间..从我的视线中离去了.来不及说..心中在想..那人怎么看我?会不会以为是我的错呢?但..我想..一切都不再重要..因为..事实已摆在眼前..haizz..dunt think too much..
btw..yesterday.i fell like run away frm hell..haha...cos i finish my final exam..really so happy but a sadthings to me is my gud yeemun n puiyee want na leave liao..they all nid to go to cyber to start their 4 years acct cource^^那种感伤..离别找上我了..还是要面对阿..没办法..快收拾心情..面对未来..我知道..我也深信..接下来那三年..会是最艰难的..最坎坷的..真得希望..快快地过去阿!!!!也能顺利grad...JC..plzz guide me...plz lead me n bless me..i nid u in my life..gambateh to myself^^