wakaka...currently feel like so free rite now.finished my BFB paper tis morning..now nid to start my alone life..my dear roommates all went back ady.T.T..kinda sad becos i nid to finish my drama presentation n arabic presentation first baru can go back..feel like home sick+ing~~
anyway..juz sharing my short sem life..i m honestly share tat i kinda enjoy m short sem life since frm I-cAre event till now..although i nid to sacrifice my mid-term break..i cant stay at my sweet hometown f4 more few days..but i ENJOY my life..
thinking back for the event..it is very xin ku n super tired everyday cos we all nid to find sponsorship..nid to b brave when asking ppl sponsor some money f4 us..face many kind of ppl in tis world..T.T..after tat day..start to busy wif the booth..design our board..practise the group singing..wake up at the early morning for duty on 11-04(event morning session)..i m kinda enjoy the nite session most...haha.firstly take photo wif two singers..although they all nt very famous..but kinda haPPy^^shouted non-stop...till crazy..i like the feeling..long time dint shout like tat..wakaka...all stress come out ady..
after the event day..is the time to busy wif my theater assg..arabic quizz..BMO assg n presentation..join the CPC event..listen abt the cancer talk..rehearsal f4 my theater..having appreciation dinner n movie..prepare f4 BFB exem..wow..feel like so busy in tis sem...but obviously..i always sick joih in tis sem..thx f4 showing ur concern to me always^^appreciate it..mayb will lose contact one day..but..thx to appear in my life^^
ermn..i really thx god f4 smtg..n make me knoe many frds esp my theater frds..thx f4 giving me the character of "wife"..n i hv a handsome "husband"..haha..long time dint play drama since i was in year 2008 f4 youth camp till now..b a gud actors really is nt a easy job~even though i juz a small part in the script..but i think tat i really can not b a gud actors..mayb i really nt gt usual in acting even though my frds said i like to use body language to express somtg..pattern more than badminton.haha..hmnn..dunt knoe y recently feel like wish to find a partner..feel like wanna get the happiness..share the happy things...watch movie together wif him..suddenly feel like a bit emo becos of thinking smtg which was pass few years ago....haizz..i think it is becos recently i m practse f4 my role wif my "husband"~so make me hv tat kind of feeling gua.anyway..stop to think abt tis kind of things n juz enjoy my sg life ba...wait f4 the arrangement frm JC~yeah~~the end of 29th April..happy moment..sad moment..all is gone ady..time is gone..ppl is gone..heart is gone..tear is gone..but Joy still muz face the reality of life...ya..everything is pass ady..juz looking forward to the next day...nt the previous..i muz b joyful evey year..^^Joy~~~gambateh~~:P