yeah^^happy birthday to me..hehe^^here i want na share something to all my frds who help me to celebrate my birthday early.on 05-11-09 at 12-30am...actually.i all knoe wat la..tat day no electricity supply n then i go down to online..sry let u all wait me till u all so hungry..thx u all find some ways to let me back to my room..ermn....anyway...i really so touching...thx u all..let me have a wonderful memory at my 20th birthday..thx a lot..n thx all frds wishes me by msg..face by face..hand by hand..facebook(really so many lo..touching)...hehe^^

yeah^^tat is all my frds....

elyn u look like so cute le..i like tis...haha

yeah^^thx yee touching until i cant slept..n thx all who r make the putin..

me n cute elyn^^

me n my bibi^^

me n my good classmates..

hei..elyn where u look funny///

hui ying's bao bei..also want na take photo with us..

yaya^^so cute right?hehe^^

mickey again??carmen mickey's fans.

thx f4 all...accompany me ..let me have a sweet sweet memory..