on 14-09-09 ,we all housemates all very worry n wait tis 寿星婆go back lo..cos we all stand by all the things dy..actually nt all la..oni cake la..hehe^^luckily..when the time is 11.57pm..me n bibi listen the sound of the door ...yes!!!!she come back liao..me n bibi rush to karen's house n take the cake lo^^thx karen o^^ thx q so muchhh....hehe^^then le..when 12.ooam,ying ying knocked their room door n pretend want let zixin go out..haha^^actually i am nt a good actors la...when waishee listen my voice..she kne all dy..haizzz...but anyway..all still happy lo..below is the photo tat we take..
1.....say chesss...
3..cut again..
hehe^^tis is zixin (her roommates)n waishee...
tis is all my chinese family..housemates..
1..2.3....4..5..??me le??haha^^is camera men lo..
yup..1..2...3.4..5...6...now is a complete photo....
haha^^shuimin(the leg hand side one)y u laugh like tat!??gt anything ??funny meh??i dunt think so lo..but my pattern is so....haha^^
zixin say:“haiyo..kesian..y i am so tired want stand by the camera..haha^thx zixin as our camera men o^^c....aku macam na makan org tak??haha,,hei!!y ying ying act cute