halo..everybody..long time no write my blog liao..cos i am busy f4 my text lo..assgmt..presentation..and so on..now ..the midterm break is pass ard..haizz..so fast lo...ermn..y the title i put is tat..hehe^^tis is becos gt somebody told mmu games upload more delicious food lo.u knoe who i mention rigth?haha...so now i will upload some food which me,bibi,and ying ate b4 at here..hehe
first of all,let me introduced. shushi..haha..but tis oone is i make in my hometown one la..

next..gt one piece like rotiplata is call Mutabakk..RM2.50..tats so delicious lo..can eat the otak的味道..and then there gt gamburgerRM1.2o,and the 炒伊面咯!

haha..see gt two plate of food or nt?tats me,bibi,and ying first time cooking at our house..nt bad rigth?cos is i myself cook one lo..haha

then,tats fried rice..is kampung one..so nice lo.gt many cili.and ssambal...RM3.00


see...wats tat??is karen cook one lo..bakuteh!!!!!!!

see..gt fishball..福州鱼圆..i like it very much.hehe..

ermnn...tis one is干捞面粉果..onlyRM2.50..

tis one is 伊面,在马六甲到处都可看到的咯..吃到好饱咯.onlyRM2-50

wawa...c gt many cili rigth?tats 干捞面..味道挺不错的咯..也是RM2-50

next..c the picture gt some nt clear right..is teknikal problem la..这也是面粉果..味道还不错咯..不过还是永平的龙树下伟婷卖的好吃咯^^RM2.50...ermnn.all of the RM2.5o food is buy fromRestoran 886..there gt free water and tea.can try yo!!..

Next..要介绍的是曲MMUcorner 的咯...那是bibi like one..call水水果条咯...the price is RM3-50

tis one is call炸虾面,,actually 那个很像虾的不是虾咯..是里头包了虾米.nt bad lo..can try..RM3.00

tis one is Rendang鸡饭..gt egg and chicken..is cheap lo..RM3.50

tis one is a very cheap one lo..add rice onlyRM0.20 ..but there gt chicken la..so is RM3.00..but if u dunt add ,is only RM1.70...it is a small gerai.. in front of EP lo.the cili is very delicious lo.

ermmnn.tat one is mee campur kuetiao lo..actually it is also very delicious lo..but too oilly a bit la..RM3.00..

wakakaka..see the fried chicken!!!!!RM2.00 a piece lo..buy at pasar malam..but i better like to try my hometown one..因为是我自己在PM帮忙卖的咯..会更好吃..haha.the 2.60hold things is RM

haha...see tis one u will felt tat y the bread gt red colour one?haha..is ying invent lo.she take the nasi lemak's egg and put it at the bread lo...

haha..tats all lo..isit cheap and delicious..??haha...pleazz leave ur comment lo..if find more cheap food than me...please let me knoe lo..wakakaka